Something all the clans they need and so few are all good. Members can get a little 'difficult, especially at first. With so many options clan Ning today's world, wonders what separates your clan from all others. Put yourself in the shoes of a player to join a clan, and compare with the competition in the game of your choice. Where are you from? They seem organized? Professional? Identify the user's membership type you want, and transmissionGamer, hardcore gamer, or a mixture of both. Through experience, I learned a few ways to pull the members were:
1 - Do you have a well-designed web page
With a well-designed web page in the game world is now a valuable resource for any clan. A web site (particularly a well-designed.) Appear immediately organized the power of each clan better and more professional. Keep the posts up to date with the latest activities of the clan so that potential members can easily see that the site isregularly updated and that the clan is in fact still active.
2 - Join Topsites and Forums
Subscribe to any type of game boards TopSite promotion and let the world know that your clan there. Ask your members for voting. Remember, no one can join a clan, if they do not know where to find you.
3 - Keep the channel / server active
Potential members of the clan clan to join a main reason to play. It does not seem a good half the time when theyEnter the channel / server, is uninhabited and barren. If you throw a couple of bots in your channel and at least make everyone feel that the channel has a beehive. As a leader, even if the game is not a good idea to sit in the channel and say hello to those who enter and exit. In conversation, they make you feel welcome.
4 - If you play, people ask to join
It 's so simple. You do not have to go in taking longcampaigns to make prospective members. If during the game, a person would feel appropriate for the clan, ask to run straight. Tell them some little details' of your clan and see what they say. If it's a no, not a big problem, because you only play as usual. No wasted time.
Members get a game clan
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