Lao Tzu said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." John Maxwell said: "Success is a journey not a destination." Combine the two and create "a journey of success begins with a single step." This is what keeps most people ... a first step. This small step away from the fullness of failure. Without this first step, are not guaranteed to reach your goal.
Without reaching out and picking up the phone and is the first lineFollow-up prospecting call or call failure insurance. And 'the passage of his pick up and dial-up, the first issue separates the winners from the losers. In terms of time, is less than 2 seconds, determine the results to be.
Now I realize that there is cause some pain and prospecting follow-up involved. There is some pain involved when it is not. There are two types of pain, the pain of discipline (the production of lead follow-up and prospectingCalls) and the pain of regret. The truth is that we are experiencing one of them. It 's inevitable, not one. You have to decide which you prefer to live. You're the one that ultimately do not choose.
If we make the transition to the calls we are experiencing the pain of discipline, the pain of rejection is to make possible. You can also use the pain of the victim and the pain of hard work. To avoid the pain of regret must follow this course withsingle-minded purpose. You must decide and commit to a disciplined manner. "All glory comes from daring to begin." Voiced by Eugene Ware. If you do not want to start, you choose the pain of regret.
If we do not attack our dreams, we will experience the greatest pain in life, the pain of regret. Sydney Harris wrote: "regret for the things that we can be relaxed by the time it is the remorse for what we did not do that is inconsolable."
The regret doing what we should doRegret will not achieve our goals and dreams, regret not living crafting a lifestyle for our family and ourselves and the regret of not up to our potential or the life of our potential. At what point will turn into potential regret? And 'this time. E 'for each of us differently. You're at this point? Bill Parcels said. "You lost a potential win with performance."
The benefit is included in the pain of discipline.Discipline involves work and commitment. Success is not purchased at any time, but in installments. We succeed only with disciplined effort over time. When we call our daily leads, prospects, customers, past, ball, expired, FSBOs, we have ensured the success. We will move too far away from the pain of regret.
If we happened to create a habit of daily discipline, something almost "magical." One day you'll realize that your discipline hasturned to desire, desire, it takes a day, you want to do interviews because of the habits and results. The road is to stay simple.
The reason the first step is so difficult, the place of pain. The location of pain is different from nostalgia for the discipline of the verses. The pain of discipline we are now ... today. The pain of regret, we can not be heard for hours, days, weeks, months and years. This often leads to the wrong choice, werather not have the pain now or ever. The pain of discipline will turn over and go. The pain of regret can linger forever. Start the discipline of the process. Today begins the discipline and the rule of regret. Begin your journey of success today with a single step.
And 'the beginning that most of the attacks
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