I think if there's one thing that separates the recent loss of senior sales per dealer to do business, as in foreign currency. A veteran of the trade knows that the losses are only part of the company. Of course, I'm not happy if you take a loss, but not (or at least should not) be affected. They simply move to the next trade.
Many newcomers do not deal with the forex losses equally. I think it has to do with all those Forexwinning products that are entitled to 100% of the time. A tip for beginners: If you always have someone who sells a course on Forex trading system, trading robot, etc. .... and she says he never lost a deal to run in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. They are flat, a lie.
All the major traders in history never really 100% of the time. Heck, some right only 60% of the time, but they understood that part of the game, and ifIt is able to handle the losses, than you should definitely not commercial.
There are so many new players have when they begin to believe that currency trading is like candy from a baby. They think that every company that wants to be a winner, and who knows, maybe the first 4 or 5 operations are all profitable. You start to think "look how easy it is" or "I can Pips, every time I want to do."
Then the inevitable happened. They have their first defeat, and areleft completely without rights. You can not believe he had a loss, and stick with them and that is always in his head.
I guess the point of this is that it's OK to take losses just as long as you do, do not leave it to you.
Forex Trading losses - how to deal with the case
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