Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Religion separates God States

At the foot
Of Calvary
The ground was
Made level
When Christ died
For all mankind's sin
Religion says:
He condemned
He shares
And the rules
Religion ago
A difference
Among us
And the other
With religion
It is 'doing'
With Christ
And the fact'''
Religion, he says, "the works"
Christ says: "through faith"
And God confirmed
A simple
But deep
Since, as inAdam all die
So in Christ all
be alive
I know that God
It can be
All in all
Anyone with an ear
The truth
The Spirit of Christ says:
Then look forward and
Not bitter
Located at the foot
Of Calvary
For God did
The ground floor
For all mankind
To join in God
It begins with
Where in Adam all die
It ends with
The revelation
Where in Christ all
Be madevivo
All were
Representative shall be liable
Through Adam's sin
In the Garden of Eden
So Christ is
Representative responsible
In order to atone for all
At Calvary
Religion has condemned man
With its creation
Hell Eternal
While Christ died and rose again
To return man
With eternal life
God is love
And God is just
God is infinite
In wisdom
God did not
From the first Adam
For the lastAdam
And for all of us
God is eternal
Truth and justice
Who have lost everything
In the first Adam
It was acquired for all
Finally Adam
And this is
Christ the Redeemer
As the death was representative
For all
Life is a representative
Everything from a single
How, when and where
And how do you
It is God's prerogative
No one could agree
Dead Religion
It is against this simple truth
Revealed Christ is simpleTruth
This is the message
The Good News
Blind Religion
God distorted
Spreading the message
News Of Evil
Hell Eternal
In the village
The Good News
Of eternal life
Everything felt
Condemned by religious
And hated God
And God misunderstood
And God dismissed
Since no
The acceptance of a God
Who would have created
An eternal hell
Now is the time
To open your eyes
And open your ears
God is not
AGod, coercion deals
But God is
A God who has the confidence
God is not
A God who offers fear
But God is
A God of love has
God is not
A God who has convinced
But God is
A God who provides a justification
God is not
A God who is eternal separation offers
But God is
A God who offers salvation
Now is the time
To open your eyes
And open your ears
The fear and coercion
Control and manipulation
Damnationand separation
Satan, the liar
Is always
The angel of light
To kill, destroy
And they steal the truth
Of eternal life
Of humanity
In the Garden of Eden
He deceived Eve
The bride of Adam
Eternal life for all
After his defeat
At Calvary
Now he wants to
The Church
Bride of Christ
It steals
The eternal life, through all
Smart as Satan
Vile as it is
channel gullible
Religion blind
To give his lie
Hell Eternal
Religion separates
Divide and rule
But for a period of time
God will unite
In God's time, once
And the truth
Of eternal life for all
Why is God
Her gift to humanity

[b]Separates [/b] Religion separates God States

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