Thursday, March 31, 2011

What distinguishes the successful from the unsuccessful party in Forex Trading?

The discrepancy between the have and have-nots of currency trading is truly amazing. I'm sure you all know the statistic that 95% of currency traders lose money. So basically, is 5% of public money Forex Trading to make money, and that the 5% know how many of the real money?

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Why must it be so bad?

I am one of those people you never thought you success in forex trading, unless you can explain to someone who does not knowanything on the market, why did you open or close a trade, and that's where the problem lies. Most dealers can not really explain why an agreement.

Sure, you could say that I bought because the stochastic is below 20, which means that its on sale or have sold because the price MACD shows negative divergence. That's great, but what do these things with the market?

The successful traders are not dependent on these indicators to tell them whatthe market does. Rely on yourself for this.

For technical operators, begins with understanding the concept of price action. This is the ability to provide a basic chart price that has absolutely no indicators for the business.

The success of the technical operators understand that the market is like a foreign language. Sure, you can translate a set of indicators, the language, but does not feel that something is going lost in theTranslation? It 's always better if you learn the weather, the language itself.

What distinguishes the successful from the unsuccessful party in Forex Trading?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Skin care - skin (epidermis) and inner layer (dermis)


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To provide the best care of your skin, it is important to understand its formation. The skin is made ​​of three layers: the epidermis, the outermost layer that you see and touch the dermis, the inner layer, where the work takes place, and the subcutaneous fat, the skin separates from the rest of the tissue in the body.

Skin (epidermis)

Two main layers are the epidermis - the stratum corneum (outermost layer, and hard surface)and the Malpighian layer. The cells that make up most of the epidermis (95 percent) are called keratinocytes, because they produce keratin - a protein amino acids (the building blocks of most living things) together in a dense configuration of a crowded "Alpha-Helix" .

Keratin gives the skin its strength and made remarkable not only the surface layer of the skin, but hair, nails, feet - nails, hair, horns, hooves and feathers. That 's what keeps the skin waterproof.

L 'other epidermal cells, the melanocytes, the melanin that produces the color of the skin. (White skin and black skin does not differ in the number of melanocytes. Skin is darker than black part because its most melanocytes synthesize melanin in white leather.)

Melanocytes are in the Malpighian layer, where the miracle takes place on the skin and reproductive exchange. shares underlying this basal cell layer consistently - about once every hour - to form new cells. It takesto come about two weeks for the entire process - from the birth of the cells and moving through the Malpighian layer to cell death and surfaces in the outer layer, the stratum corneum. A layer of new skin is formed about every 28 days. Even as you read this, skin cells will die and be replaced.

The inner layer (dermis)

The layer of connective tissue is known as the dermis immediately beneath the epidermis. The dermal connective tissuecalled fibroblasts, fibrous protein compound (collagen, elastin, and reticulum) in cells and a material called ground substance. Besides appearing fibroblasts, other cells, sometimes in the dermis, most of which include the migration from the blood of foreign materials and fight infection. Collagen, the most common is responsible for the mechanical strength of the skin.

The matrix is ​​a composition of water and a variety of chemicals, forms a matrix in whichAll other components are integrated into the skin and occur through which the transfer of substances between cells.

Unlike the epidermis, the dermis contains blood vessels, with nutrients and oxygen and remove metabolic waste. The dermis also contains lymph vessels and nerves, as well as specialized structures called skin appendages: sweat glands, sebaceous glands (oil) and hair follicles.

Skin care - skin (epidermis) and inner layer (dermis)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Members get a game clan

Something all the clans they need and so few are all good. Members can get a little 'difficult, especially at first. With so many options clan Ning today's world, wonders what separates your clan from all others. Put yourself in the shoes of a player to join a clan, and compare with the competition in the game of your choice. Where are you from? They seem organized? Professional? Identify the user's membership type you want, and transmissionGamer, hardcore gamer, or a mixture of both. Through experience, I learned a few ways to pull the members were:

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1 - Do you have a well-designed web page

With a well-designed web page in the game world is now a valuable resource for any clan. A web site (particularly a well-designed.) Appear immediately organized the power of each clan better and more professional. Keep the posts up to date with the latest activities of the clan so that potential members can easily see that the site isregularly updated and that the clan is in fact still active.

2 - Join Topsites and Forums

Subscribe to any type of game boards TopSite promotion and let the world know that your clan there. Ask your members for voting. Remember, no one can join a clan, if they do not know where to find you.

3 - Keep the channel / server active

Potential members of the clan clan to join a main reason to play. It does not seem a good half the time when theyEnter the channel / server, is uninhabited and barren. If you throw a couple of bots in your channel and at least make everyone feel that the channel has a beehive. As a leader, even if the game is not a good idea to sit in the channel and say hello to those who enter and exit. In conversation, they make you feel welcome.

4 - If you play, people ask to join

It 's so simple. You do not have to go in taking longcampaigns to make prospective members. If during the game, a person would feel appropriate for the clan, ask to run straight. Tell them some little details' of your clan and see what they say. If it's a no, not a big problem, because you only play as usual. No wasted time.

Members get a game clan

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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What separates the winners from the losers

This may sound harsh, but the world is full of losers. Every city in every country is full of men and women to live a life of mediocrity. They have a head full of dreams unfulfilled and wanting more from life. He wants to win.

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I just do not know how.

What holds them back, has nothing with a "born winner" to be done. Of course, things like family relationships or wealth in all areas is easier ... but they are not absolutely necessary.

It is not a lack ofIntelligence. While some mental abilities more than others, if you made it to 2009, natural selection probably share enough common sense to thrive in your head.

So what happened? Why are the top 20% in each company (society, humanity, learning, etc.) so much more successful than the bottom 80%? Because most disgusting people?

The answer can be summed up in one word: action.

A word of clarification

I will support the advice contained in this article on the accumulationfinancial wealth, as most of the western world as a benchmark for success.

But keep in mind that the value of each element can take the place of "money" in this article. The principles remain the same, regardless of personal persecution.

On taking action

Winners know that money is not taken, if you're thinking. Money is not done if you mix records, e-mail addiction control, read the sports section of the newspaper and smoking aCigarette.

The money is made when you are in the grip of action.

We all know the capacity for logic, the actions that will bring success. We can learn the cause-effect-cause-and-chain, you move from success. The key to winning is more of what helps you win and less of what makes miss.

Get in the habit of always asking a question: what am I doing now gives me the money?

If you do not stop then. Immediately. IfThey plan to have success tomorrow will focus on what makes money today.

Of course there are things that are not their money at this exact moment, but requests for more money in the future. These actions have a value ... just not today.

In situations like this, it makes sense to repeal a certain time each week to pay support for these future actions to be done. This could be things like reading, which includes the new book, available through your Google Reader items, orStrengthen your personal financial plan

Personally, I use to work on Sundays. Every Sunday, I lock myself out and read non-fiction books I have a sense and I am planning for next week. I also post my "master plan" for the next 3 months.

In addition, there are of course other things that are worth the time. Life is not meant to be a workaholic. A more appropriate question is, could "is what I'm doing the right thing now an added value to my life?"

You canfollowed by "Do The value of this article, more than anything else, I earn?" This will protect it is noted that Babylon 5 marathon instead continue to break the baseball glove with her son.

think this way and money are two separate actions. If you work, you are highly concentrated. If you're thinking, planning, reading, are highly concentrated.

Cause and effect: the great divide between success and failure

The largestSeparated from each other to make the boat loads of money and those that can not be summarized in three words: cause and effect.

Any kind of success is rooted in reality. The reality is shaped in the form of cause and effect. Whether you want to be the next Einstein or the next breakfast, the base is the same.

Suppose you want to make extra $ 50K in the next 6 months. Month, you sit on the couch and think about $ 50K per day (a la The Secret). NothingChanges.

We are left with two options. He spends two months to do the same ... What more and wonder why the same result.

Or use the fact that you have now seen through your first action, and change course to your destination. Insert a new cause in action, and you are guaranteed a different effect (or output).

Most people choose not aware of the same course that has proven to be ineffective. It's usually just a matter of habit, ordo not see other viable options. It 'easy to dream of success, it is difficult for the psychic energy needed for the real cause for the result you are investing to find out.

But there is a link to your dreams ... And here's the schedule:

First, decide what you want. Let's say you earn enough money to travel the world for six months each year.

Then, find someone who has already achieved what you want. A good model, in this example would be TimFerriss, or maybe Rolf Potts.

Last step: you know exactly what they received for the success you. Not what they have said they have done or what others say, they did. Take the same procedure as needed.

Yep. It 'really that simple.


So there you have it. Two facts, nothing more ... roll with these two facts and dreams of his head like your marbles. Ignoring these facts, and you will be in the same relative position in the next year to betoday.

Note my words. And refer to the first section, "action".

The choice is yours, amigo. Whatever you decide, I wish you good luck and hope to see you in the winner's first drink on me.

What separates the winners from the losers